About LOVE
What is Love when only your chest is burning?
What Is Love when you are the only one who offers it?
What is Love when you feel deep inside that you are ready even to die for someone, but the feeling is not mutual?
What is Love when you miss him like crazy every minute and you fall asleep crying every night?
What Is Love when he is breaking your heart by his Indifference?
What is Love when you feel you’re not wanted?
What Is Love when even if you are praying for It, you still don’t get it?
What is Love when you feel like the other doesn’t care about you and he just tolerates you around him?
What is Love when you feel like you can’t give up on what you’re feeling deep inside your heart?
What is Love when you are alone instead of being two?
Most of the people would say that it is a continuous torment and would advise you to just give up, to snap it off, and move on living your life far away from this suffering.
So wrong!
With all the pain that breaks my soul in pieces because you are not here with me, I consider this Love been a huge blessing even for the simple fact that I feel so lucky to love you with such a love that doesn’t take into account anything and can’t be killed not even by the most powerful poison in the world and not even by your ignorance.
How many of us can today confess that they are able to love so disinterested and hopeless? So unconditionally?
The love that it burns in my heart is unique. Just as you are. And yes, my love for you, even if you don’t know it and you look like you don’t care about it, it's so
perfect. Like you, my Perfect One! Because it’s been born from the story of your eyes.
We get so wounded that we can no longer see people around us, and if we notice them, we automatically compare them to those who have hurt us in the past. We have lost patience and the desire to truly know the people who appear in our lives. We don’t have the time or the confidence to give them a chance to get to know each other. It’s been hurting us so hard that we swore that it would never happen again. This is how we keep the distance between us and the people who did us not harm and offered us everything they had, unconditionally. The moment we promised that we wouldn’t let anyone hurt us again, we apparently forever refused the chance to have access to love and happiness. We locked ourselves in a box of which we chose not to go out again, forgetting that not all people are the same and we really deserve to be happy.
I think this is the most common way people waste their potential and lives. And it's a shame. Even the Divinity is crying in heaven for their mercy, but where man chooses, God can’t change his decision.
#stillstrong #aboutlove
We live our lives at random without worrying about the time that is passing by us and the consequences of the choices we make. We behave as if we were immortal, and the people next to us would have no feelings. We hit left and right with thoughts, words and facts without even thinking for a moment how simple it is to mutilate a soul for life, how you can destroy a heart by making it incapable of loving until the end of the day.
We gather two of us in relationships that are fit and happy outside, but inside it smells like betrayal , distrust, suffering and death. We smile beautifully trying to fool the people around us that we are happy without realizing that the first and perhaps the only ones we are deceiving are ourselves.
We choose to be bad when our inner nature it has to be good. Always good.
Kindness can be confused with naivety, but it is the only salvation of this world and before being the saving of the world is the only rescue of our own bleeding hearts.
Kindness is often more important than love. Kindness is the one that leads to love. Kindness is the first step you can make to the person you care about and want to be in your life. People need kindness. Their soul was hurt and deceived too many times and refuses to believe in love, but will never remain indifferent to kindness.
Kindness opens doors, windows, hearts, and souls stricken with pain. Kindness opens us to God. Goodness is the key that opens the gates of the Heaven. Goodness is the only way to our Salvation.
About LOVE
What is Love when only your chest is burning?
What Is Love when you are the only one who offers it?
What is Love when you feel deep inside that you are ready even to die for someone, but the feeling is not mutual?
What is Love when you miss him like crazy every minute and you fall asleep crying every night?
What Is Love when he is breaking your heart by his Indifference?
What is Love when you feel you’re not wanted?
What Is Love when even if you are praying for It, you still don’t get it?
What is Love when you feel like the other doesn’t care about you and he just tolerates you around him?
What is Love when you feel like you can’t give up on what you’re feeling deep inside your heart?
What is Love when you are alone instead of being two?
Most of the people would say that it is a continuous torment and would advise you to just give up, to snap it off, and move on living your life far away from this suffering.
So wrong!
With all the pain that breaks my soul in pieces because you are not here with me, I consider this Love been a huge blessing even for the simple fact that I feel so lucky to love you with such a love that doesn’t take into account anything and can’t be killed not even by the most powerful poison in the world and not even by your ignorance.
How many of us can today confess that they are able to love so disinterested and hopeless? So unconditionally?
The love that it burns in my heart is unique. Just as you are. And yes, my love for you, even if you don’t know it and you look like you don’t care about it, it's so
perfect. Like you, my Perfect One! Because it’s been born from the story of your eyes.
We get so wounded that we can no longer see people around us, and if we notice them, we automatically compare them to those who have hurt us in the past. We have lost patience and the desire to truly know the people who appear in our lives. We don’t have the time or the confidence to give them a chance to get to know each other. It’s been hurting us so hard that we swore that it would never happen again. This is how we keep the distance between us and the people who did us not harm and offered us everything they had, unconditionally. The moment we promised that we wouldn’t let anyone hurt us again, we apparently forever refused the chance to have access to love and happiness. We locked ourselves in a box of which we chose not to go out again, forgetting that not all people are the same and we really deserve to be happy.
I think this is the most common way people waste their potential and lives. And it's a shame. Even the Divinity is crying in heaven for their mercy, but where man chooses, God can’t change his decision.
#stillstrong #aboutlove
You've asked me: "How can I protect myself?" "How can I do my protection?" How I can't take the negative energy of the others? "
Honestly, I've never been too preoccupied to protect myself. Don't ask me why ... probably is my nature: I love adrenaline! Or maybe is my desire to quickly solve some issues that I feel like holding me back or, worse, pulling me back, or because I have no patience. However, even if I don't use protection for myself, there are, for those who want more protection, some techniques. Ones for short-terms, others for longer terms.
Until we get to discuss these methods of protection, I consider it is necessary to recall a basic rule of this universe in which we find ourselves: The universe is based on resonance. Nothing happens if we do not resonate with the situation. With don't meet somebody, if we don't resonate with the energy of that man. We do not have any problem until we are resonating with it. No disease sticks to us if we don't resonate with the energy of that disease. We resonate when in us it finds the same type of energy that others, or a situation, or illnes have. It is very important to understand that nothing happens outside Resonance Law. Nothing!
Good . And now, after we recalled how the universe works, we can move on to talk about methods of protection. For now, in case of emergency, there are various techniques that helps us not be affected by the negative energy.
These tehniques are:
- building an imaginary wall between us and the person / situation that we feel that aggresses us
- staying under the protective hands of Mother Mary, under a church bell or under a glass globe
- drawing reiki symbols between us and the others who aggresses us
- continuously praying
- mental repetition of "Be as you want, Lord!"
- mental blocking energy / intention of the others using an algorithm that might sound like this: "I block any negative energy that comes from X and that could affect me."
There are a lot of this kind of tehniques, but just knowing these six I guarantee you that nobody can do something bad to you.
Returning to the Law of Resonance and at the reason tht we are now Here, on Planet Earth we realize that these protective measures can not be used till the end of times, because they, besides that they will do well by protecting us, they will also do bad, by holding us in a single place and preventing us from our evolution. We can't evolve without solve what we have to resolve within ourselves.
Thus, we'll understand that, for long term, it is more important for us to confront our inner, solving our problems and finding Tranquility, Love, Harmony and Balance in ourselves.
We'll truly get rid of this negative energy that it is outside us only when our inside will be pure and doesn't resonate anymore with the outside energy. Exterior changes depending on ourselves, on how much love and light we have inside us. So it is better for the moment to isolated under a glass globe, where you feel protected, but remember that the purpose of our life on earth is not isolation, but evolution and openness, without fear, to the world.
God loves us, doesn/t want to see us death, but only to be aligned with the divine plan, and a very important thing: He never gives us more that we can handle.
There's nothing to fear. You are loved and supported in every moment of your life.
Thank you for the confidence with which you are writting me, and for your abillity to open your soul in front of me and allowing me to go deeper and deeper into your soul and mind, more deeper that you ever had the courage to do so.
About payment therapy, Reiki attunements and counselors
Because I continuously received questions regarding paying the therapy, initiations and counselors I thought it would be appropriate to write a few lines enlightening on this subject.
I believe that paying for anything in the world depends on the individual, how he feels he can and is willing to offer. There is always a suitable price for each and every product or service, and always there'll be people who will pay whatever the price is.
Before continuing with the discussion about paying, I want you to know that it isn't me who is offering those gifts to you. I'm just a channel through which you are able to receive ... after your merit!
It is true that I spend a lot of time for these activities (during which I could do anything else).
It is true that it's me who move my hands over your body and draw different symbols to help your energy to increase, to cut the strings, to clean your aura, to energize you, soothe your mind and soul ... But this energy isn't mine. And if you get one, it is not yours. It is the energy of the Universe, of the Source, of our Father.
It is true that to get where I am today, at this level of evolution and to offer further all that I got was necessary, in my turn, to give up to many things, people, it took me a lot to suffer , to accept, to change my life, in a word, to pay ... in many different ways, some of them not very pleasant. And I did. With gratitude! And you can make it the same way if you are determined.
I had Masters who asked for a big fee (sometimes quite large), and other Masters who gave us the opportunity to understand the value of information, energy, and received gifts. I do not judge anyone. Everybody chooses to go in a certain way based on personal reasons. But sometimes I felt myself dropping the bitter taste of attunements because of lack of money. And I didn't like it. Perhaps lack of money was just an excuse not to do those attunements because I was not ready yet for them. Or maybe not. Maybe I had to go and ... I could not! Why? Because some valuable papers called money. I will not enumerate full pages of the disappointment I felt in those moments. I do not want to make a drama of it. I only want to tell you that I know and I understand your struggles. Maybe not all of them, but at least some (important) of them. I was also, and I am still, where are you right now ...
After I passed the grief I understood that the access to energy is not given you by people even if they are Masters. The access to energy it is given to you by the light beings in the Father's will and for your ultimate good. Nothing happens without being allowed by God. Nothing! So I personally do not want to restrict access to anyone because of energy shortages ... materials. So feel. This is how I want it. So my guides whispered to me to do. So .. I think it is fair to gather rich in soul and in heaven, not on Earth.
I want you to know that I've tasted the feeling that you have when a person is telling you: "Give me as much as you want or how much you feel to give". I want to help you with some guidelines to be easier for you. First of all, I want you to know that the paid price is the ultimate care that you might have when you come to tell me that you want a certain attunement or a few sessions of therapy.
Before you'll decide an amount, there are several issues that should be good to take into consideration:
- Your willingness to pay is an awareness of what you'll get. Awareness and responsibility is yours, not mine!
- There are times when we have no money and yet we want to participate in a course/therapy session/attunement ... Like I said above, I do not want that money be a reason for people to refuse their right and desire to evolve and do what ever they like and want to do.
- There is a need for payment by karma, which can be done with money (seems easier than with suffering, right?) Money offered to children, church, charitable activities, for therapy sessions, attunements...
- How you felt after therapy / attunement.
- The relationship that you succeeded to have with your Master. From my point of view it is very important to have someone to talk about what you feel or happens to you ... after the therapy or attunements! It is very important not to feel alone, knowing that you can always request answers to someone who doesn't certanly knows all the answers, but in discussion with him, through the information that he access to that moment ... you and him, together, manage to find an proper answer. It is true that, especially after attunement, the path is yours and it is your responsibility to evolve on you own way, to practice as much as you can, but at the beginning you need a lot of guidance and someone to hold your hands tight and be reassuring, to confirm that what you do is right ...
- Requesting a payment, even a symbolic one, helps yourself and helps myself, because otherwise we will pay, one of each other in a different way, mybe an unpleasant way.
- The fact that someone has a grace or access to energy does not mean that he is indebted to share it with you. He can do as he wants and feels to do ... but don't owe anything to anyone! He can use everything he knows, feels, discovers, only for himself. And this is not a wrong thing to do!
I admit, I thought, at the beginning, when I was not aware of many things, that Masters are obliged to share with the rest of us his knowledge. I thought that it is a beautiful, humanly or a Christian way to do. Then I realized that I was wrong. It also depends on each of us to clean the garbage that we produce each and everyday through thoughts, facts, words of low vibration. I understood that I can't evolve only by expecting others to do the job in my place ... just because they can do it! And from a Master that I had I remember that, "Sometimes, refusing to help someone ... it is the greatest job that we can do. ... For you and also for him! ".
Maybe some will understand from what I've written above that I don't required a fee because I don't have many gifts to offer, or that I don't trust in what I am doing or believe that what they will receive isn't authentic and valuable. It's up to everyone to understands things in their own way of thinking.
With or without payment, I will continue to be near you.
Cute. Naturally. Anytime.
(maybe it isn't the best translation in the world but I hope you'll be able to connect with my energy and understand what I want to share with you)
About payment therapy, Reiki attunements and counselors
Because I continuously received questions regarding paying the therapy, initiations and counselors I thought it would be appropriate to write a few lines enlightening on this subject.
I believe that paying for anything in the world depends on the individual, how he feels he can and is willing to offer. There is always a suitable price for each and every product or service, and always there'll be people who will pay whatever the price is.
Before continuing with the discussion about paying, I want you to know that it isn't me who is offering those gifts to you. I'm just a channel through which you are able to receive ... after your merit!
It is true that I spend a lot of time for these activities (during which I could do anything else).
It is true that it's me who move my hands over your body and draw different symbols to help your energy to increase, to cut the strings, to clean your aura, to energize you, soothe your mind and soul ... But this energy isn't mine. And if you get one, it is not yours. It is the energy of the Universe, of the Source, of our Father.
It is true that to get where I am today, at this level of evolution and to offer further all that I got was necessary, in my turn, to give up to many things, people, it took me a lot to suffer , to accept, to change my life, in a word, to pay ... in many different ways, some of them not very pleasant. And I did. With gratitude! And you can make it the same way if you are determined.
I had Masters who asked for a big fee (sometimes quite large), and other Masters who gave us the opportunity to understand the value of information, energy, and received gifts. I do not judge anyone. Everybody chooses to go in a certain way based on personal reasons. But sometimes I felt myself dropping the bitter taste of attunements because of lack of money. And I didn't like it. Perhaps lack of money was just an excuse not to do those attunements because I was not ready yet for them. Or maybe not. Maybe I had to go and ... I could not! Why? Because some valuable papers called money. I will not enumerate full pages of the disappointment I felt in those moments. I do not want to make a drama of it. I only want to tell you that I know and I understand your struggles. Maybe not all of them, but at least some (important) of them. I was also, and I am still, where are you right now ...
After I passed the grief I understood that the access to energy is not given you by people even if they are Masters. The access to energy it is given to you by the light beings in the Father's will and for your ultimate good. Nothing happens without being allowed by God. Nothing! So I personally do not want to restrict access to anyone because of energy shortages ... materials. So feel. This is how I want it. So my guides whispered to me to do. So .. I think it is fair to gather rich in soul and in heaven, not on Earth.
I want you to know that I've tasted the feeling that you have when a person is telling you: "Give me as much as you want or how much you feel to give". I want to help you with some guidelines to be easier for you. First of all, I want you to know that the paid price is the ultimate care that you might have when you come to tell me that you want a certain attunement or a few sessions of therapy.
Before you'll decide an amount, there are several issues that should be good to take into consideration:
- Your willingness to pay is an awareness of what you'll get. Awareness and responsibility is yours, not mine!
- There are times when we have no money and yet we want to participate in a course/therapy session/attunement ... Like I said above, I do not want that money be a reason for people to refuse their right and desire to evolve and do what ever they like and want to do.
- There is a need for payment by karma, which can be done with money (seems easier than with suffering, right?) Money offered to children, church, charitable activities, for therapy sessions, attunements...
- How you felt after therapy / attunement.
- The relationship that you succeeded to have with your Master. From my point of view it is very important to have someone to talk about what you feel or happens to you ... after the therapy or attunements! It is very important not to feel alone, knowing that you can always request answers to someone who doesn't certanly knows all the answers, but in discussion with him, through the information that he access to that moment ... you and him, together, manage to find an proper answer. It is true that, especially after attunement, the path is yours and it is your responsibility to evolve on you own way, to practice as much as you can, but at the beginning you need a lot of guidance and someone to hold your hands tight and be reassuring, to confirm that what you do is right ...
- Requesting a payment, even a symbolic one, helps yourself and helps myself, because otherwise we will pay, one of each other in a different way, mybe an unpleasant way.
- The fact that someone has a grace or access to energy does not mean that he is indebted to share it with you. He can do as he wants and feels to do ... but don't owe anything to anyone! He can use everything he knows, feels, discovers, only for himself. And this is not a wrong thing to do!
I admit, I thought, at the beginning, when I was not aware of many things, that Masters are obliged to share with the rest of us his knowledge. I thought that it is a beautiful, humanly or a Christian way to do. Then I realized that I was wrong. It also depends on each of us to clean the garbage that we produce each and everyday through thoughts, facts, words of low vibration. I understood that I can't evolve only by expecting others to do the job in my place ... just because they can do it! And from a Master that I had I remember that, "Sometimes, refusing to help someone ... it is the greatest job that we can do. ... For you and also for him! ".
Maybe some will understand from what I've written above that I don't required a fee because I don't have many gifts to offer, or that I don't trust in what I am doing or believe that what they will receive isn't authentic and valuable. It's up to everyone to understands things in their own way of thinking.
With or without payment, I will continue to be near you.
Cute. Naturally. Anytime.
(maybe it isn't the best translation in the world but I hope you'll be able to connect with my energy and understand what I want to share with you)
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